Chuck Schumer the Senate Minority Leader has framed the depravity of the DNC better than anyone ever could, over two issues that are near and dear to them, infanticide which has become a catechism for them and illegal alien immigration. The first issue shows that the DNC does not have any compassion and as we have shown in our sister site they have depraved indifference over ending life in a mothers womb as an integral part of their ideology.

Then we are shown that the DNC continue in their demands to allow unbridled illegal aliens to enter the nation and settle here illegally all to swell the ranks of future DNC voters. Clearly this is an aberrant ideology that ignores the societal consequences to our citizens, you know the people actually born and raised in this nation. What they demand is to subsidize their nation destroying ideology or they will shut down the federal government.

Let that sink for a moment…

These reprobates will hobble this nation so that infanticide can continue unabated, they are a far cry from their first advocacy of allowing abortions only on rare occasions; to now unbridled infanticide under any and all circumstance, including partial birth abortion. Clearly they are a ghoulish lot that now demands that our government subsidize this abhorrent practice.

We have discussed the societal consequence of both of these demands and the cost to fellow citizens born and unborn is astronomical in mayhem, murder and other violent crime. All of these are crimes of moral turpitude, which we discussed in depth in another part of the indictment of the DNC and can be found here. The DNC consistently shows and proves that they are believe in an ideology that has no moral value and at all times shows they believe in and are proactive for every attribute for ever more moral depravity.

To encapsulate this discussion we were first introduced to a discussion of the demand for infanticide funding, then the demand that our government allow unbridled illegal immigration by showing fierce opposition to border wall funding, cutting off the supply of future DNC voters at the source. Then a woman who was so ashamed of committing infanticide that she could not tell her parents, clearly a woman with a moral conscience, sadly it cost an innocent life in the process. Then how the DNC has so tangled funding for Planned Parenthood that the lines are surely blurred so that infanticide can continue unabated. Then we are shown in no uncertain terms the societal cost in broken homes, crime and poverty that abortion has wreaked on  mostly on the black community in particular and the destruction to the black families where the children that are lucky enough to be born are brought up in mostly single parent families by single mothers. Without a father in sight, and through all that the DNC clamors for more funding to continue this depraved cycle of violence, crime and despair in every major DNC ran city in America.

With help like that who needs enemies.

This part of the indictment against the DNC is surely the most instructive and goes to the heart of the matter that their ideology is lacking any compassion whatsoever and clearly shows them to be a criminal enterprise of the highest order. Back to the DNC Threatens Government Shutdown Over Infanticide Funding page.

 DNC Government Shutdown Over Infanticide & Illegal Immigration 2017©